Marquette online MBA: How to apply
The application process for the online MBA program is completed in our online application system. We’ve streamlined the system to be simple and convenient but admissions outreach advisors are available if you have questions along the way.
Follow these steps to complete your application:
1. Create an account
To start your application, please visit the online application page for Marquette University Graduate School. On this page, select whether you are ready to start a new application or to continue an application.
If you’re creating a new account, start by inputting all of the required fields.

2. Start a new application
After you have successfully created an account, you will see the main application page. Select “Start New Application” at the bottom. On the pop-up window select the term that you wish to start classes, and then select “Create Application.”
Read and accept the Application Instructions and Guidelines.
3. Complete background information
Complete the required information and uploads on the Academic History and Employment tabs.
4. Submit recommendations (required for international students)
From the menu, choose the Recommendations section. Provide the contact information for the three individuals who will be providing a reference for you. Your contacts will receive an email from Marquette and be asked to complete an online form to upload their letter of recommendation. You do not have to wait to submit your application even if all of your letters have not been submitted yet.
5. Submit supporting documents
Once you’ve completed the online application form and submitted the application fee you will be asked to submit supporting documents. Unofficial transcripts may be submitted with your application. However, once admitted to the program, you will be asked to provide official transcripts.
6. Complete your personal statement
Complete your personal statement following the prompts given on the Essay Response tab, covering your career goals, your interest in the program and how the program will help you achieve your goals. Upload your essay as either a WordDoc or PDF to complete this step.

Note: Letters of recommendation are optional for U.S. students. If you choose to submit letters of recommendation, you don’t have to wait for your contacts to complete their letters in order to turn in your application. Submit your application as soon as you’re finished with these steps.