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Integrating technology in counseling

August 20, 2024
Therapist meeting with person on telehealth platform

People often associate mental health counseling with traditional approaches and therapies. You might picture patients meeting their providers for face-to-face in person therapy appointments or recording their thoughts in physical journals. While these methods are still widely used in mental health treatment, many modern counselors also incorporate innovative technologies into their practices. One Minneapolis clinic even uses virtual reality (VR) to help patients overcome phobias and stress.1

The growing use of technology in mental health services has many benefits. Digital tools increase access to mental health care and can be more affordable than certain traditional therapies. Additionally, counselors can use technology to improve their workflows and help more clients access therapy and get treatment for mental illness. However, technology poses many potential challenges as well, such as concerns about privacy regarding mental health disorders and steep learning curves.2

This article explores the role of technology in modern counseling practices and its impact on mental health care.

Teletherapy and its impact on counseling 

Teletherapy refers to the virtual delivery of mental healthcare services. This type of therapy typically takes place through phone calls or video conferencing platforms.3 For example, a patient could meet their counselor over video instead of traveling for in-person therapy sessions.

Teletherapy reduces the barriers to accessing mental healthcare by allowing patients to receive treatment from any location. They can get mental health support via teletherapy sessions while caring for their children, traveling, or working from home. This technology also improves access to care for underserved populations with limited or no local mental health resources.3

However, remote therapy does present several challenges. Patients who lack technical expertise may struggle to use digital tools and not all clients can access the internet. This type of therapy also raises privacy and safety concerns.3 For instance, a patient may be afraid to discuss their relationship troubles or other mental health issues with their counselor if their partner can overhear the conversation at home.

Several studies have explored teletherapy's impact on mental health services. A 2022 review found “no significant differences between telehealth and face-to-face delivery for patient outcomes.”4 Additionally, a 2022 study discovered that virtual treatment programs have higher attendance, completion, and patient satisfaction rates than in-person therapy programs.5

Digital tools for mental health support 

Counselors can recommend digital tools to provide supplemental mental health support for their patients between treatments. These technologies can help clients take an active role in their treatment.

Mobile apps for mental health 

Mobile apps allow patients to access mental health services from their smartphones or practice mental health care techniques learned from therapists. For example, patients can use mood trackers, learn and use stress management strategies, or practice meditation and journaling.

Here are three popular apps:6

  • Calm: This freemium app helps users reduce their stress with soothing music, meditation exercises, and sleep stories
  • Headspace: This paid application guides users through breathing, meditation, and mindfulness exercises
  • Expand: Users can perform meditation exercises and journal with this freemium app 

Online therapy platforms 

Online therapy platforms connect patients with licensed therapists. These tools help clients receive fast remote therapy treatment and explore different providers. Many platforms accept different insurance plans and offer subscriptions for people without coverage.

Popular online therapy services include:7

  • BetterHelp allows users to meet with licensed therapists through live chat, message exchange, phone calls, or video conferencing
  • Brightside offers therapeutic and psychiatric support for people with anxiety, depression, and other conditions
  • Talkspace lets users choose therapists based on their therapeutic approaches and offers flexible subscriptions

Wearable Technology 

Many patients use smartwatches and other types of wearable technology to support their mental health. These devices allow users to monitor their heart rate, their skin temperature, and other physical indications of stress. Patients can use this technology to identify and reduce their anxiety and stress.8 Wearable technology can also provide helpful reminders, such as prompting the user to exercise.

Technological advancements in counseling 

Mental health professionals like counselors use different digital tools to provide quality care to their patients. For example, they can deliver telehealth services through Doxy.me, Skype, Zoom, and other video conferencing platforms. These tools allow providers to observe their patients’ symptoms through video calls and build stronger relationships.9

Many mental health professionals also use electronic health records (EHRs) to manage patient records and other information. These digital files store medical histories, progress notes, and other types of data. EHRs help providers stay organized and reduce the risk of medical errors. Counselors can also transmit these records to other authorized providers to ensure continuity of care.10

Several laws govern the use of technology in the counseling profession. For example, providers must use telehealth platforms that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).11 They must also obtain state licensure before providing telehealth services.12

Digital tools for mental health professionals 

Innovative counseling technologies allow providers to deliver more effective and personalized care. Here are a few cutting-edge digital tools for mental health treatment:

  • Practice management software: Counselors use applications like SimplePractice and Therabill to schedule appointments, bill clients, and submit insurance claims13 
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): Therapists can use AI to help explore mental health concerns and diagnose mental health conditions, and AI-powered chatbots can provide mental health support14
  • Biofeedback: Noninvasive monitoring tools enable providers to monitor their patients’ physiological functions in real time and teach them how to regulate their stress15
  • Online training resources: The American Counseling Association and other organizations offer online continuing education courses that help therapists learn about innovative approaches and technologies16 
  • Digital assessment tools: The American Psychiatric Association offers online assessment tools that therapists can use to improve their clinical decision-making and help diagnose mental health conditions.7

Expand your counseling knowledge with an online MS from Marquette University 

Integrating technology into the counseling profession offers many exciting opportunities for patients and therapists alike. Counselors can use groundbreaking tools like teletherapy sessions to deliver more effective care. Meanwhile, patients can access mental health services quickly and easily even if they lead busy lives or live in remote areas.

Learn how to enhance your counseling practice with technology with an online Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University. The comprehensive curriculum covers advanced diagnoses and treatments in counseling, multicultural counseling, and other topics. These asynchronous classes will allow you to explore cutting-edge approaches to common mental health conditions with the guidance of our prestigious faculty.

Deepen your knowledge by specializing in child and adolescent counseling or pursue the general counseling track. Either way, Marquette's program will help you promote social justice through your counseling practice and learn to stay abreast of the latest research and techniques in mental health care.

Explore the admissions requirements and schedule an appointment with an admissions outreach advisor to learn how you can make a difference as a licensed clinical mental health counselor.

  1. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/how-virtual-reality-is-being-used-to-treat-fears-phobias-and-anxiety/
  2. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7363684/
  3. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/what-is-telemental-health
  4. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8956990/
  5. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9302910/
  6. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from forbes.com/health/mind/best-meditation-apps/
  7. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from fortune.com/recommends/health/best-online-therapy/
  8. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10490605/
  9. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9437398/
  10. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from healthit.gov/faq/what-are-advantages-electronic-health-records
  11. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from telehealth.hhs.gov/providers/telehealth-policy/hipaa-for-telehealth-technology
  12. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from telehealth.hhs.gov/licensure/licensure-for-behavioral-health
  13. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from telehealth.org/therapy-notes-how-does-it-work-and-is-it-effective/
  14. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10230127/
  15. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/biofeedback/about/pac-20384664
  16. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from counseling.org/events-education/continuing-education
  17. Retrieved on June 28, 2024, from psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/educational-resources/assessment-measures