Cloud computing stands at the forefront of technological innovation, offering a revolutionary approach to how data is processed, accessed, and stored across the globe. At the heart of this transformation lies not just the technology itself, but a paradigm shift towards more dynamic, scalable, and efficient computing solutions. As organizations of all sizes navigate this change, understanding the what, how, and why of cloud computing becomes essential.
July 03, 2024
To gain a competitive advantage as a candidate for specialized IT analyst roles you'll want a degree in information science, computing, or the like, to provide you with a foundation of technical skills, complemented with IT certifications or graduate level specialization in your desired niche.
June 28, 2024
Seamless integration and collaboration are essential for information technology teams, especially with the shift towards more remote work settings. IT analysts and professionals are now navigating new challenges and opportunities to ensure effective teamwork and project oversight in a digital era.
June 25, 2024
The demand for skilled IT analysts is on the rise, reflecting in impressive job growth statistics and making a career in IT analysis not only desirable for its high salaries and job stability but for the diverse opportunities it presents. Pursuing a career as an IT analyst opens a world of potential, paving the way for a fulfilling and dynamic professional journey.
If you want to distinguish yourself in the world of computing and information science, online education can fast-track your career growth. In 2023, nearly 15% of all postsecondary learners in the United States—roughly 2.7 million students—are opting for online learning instead of traditional education.
February 16, 2024
Technology has become integral to the daily operations of many organizations. A company may use social media to connect with customers or artificial intelligence to optimize its supply chains, for example. As the reliance on information technology grows, so does the need for skilled professionals to develop and maintain it.
January 22, 2024
Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI, is radically reshaping industries around the globe and the information technology (IT) sector is no exception. With AI-driven programs that can learn, adapt, and execute tasks, IT is undergoing a revolution. Are you prepared?
January 11, 2024
Digitization makes data more accessible and harder to damage or misplace. However, growing reliance on technology has also led to new data security risks.
Stay ahead in IT and cybersecurity. Explore key areas, threats, and compliance. Prepare for the future of technology and secure your digital success.
November 01, 2023
Cybersecurity jobs are numerous and professionals are in high demand because they safeguard confidential data, devices, and networks from cybercriminals and other unauthorized users.
September 14, 2023
Dive into the intricate world of IT ethics and security with our latest insights. Understand why protecting sensitive data is paramount and how an online M.S. in Computer and Information Science can equip you to lead in this evolving field.
Getting your Master of Science in Computer Information Science (CIS) can be an excellent way to pursue advanced roles in the field of technology. To help you figure out which specialization pathway might be right for you, check out the specialization options offered by Marquette University Online and learn more about the specific roles, career opportunities and industry trends of each.
June 27, 2023
The thought of using artificial intelligence at work may sound like science fiction, but many industries have adopted this innovative technology. Read more about the benefits and applications of AI in the workplace and discover the answer to a common question: Do the potential benefits of artificial intelligence outweigh the risks?
June 26, 2023
Read on to learn about the different aspects of software development and how you can master these technological trends to advance your career.
May 01, 2023
While some may see a bootcamp as a quick path to a new career, Assistant Professor Debbie Perouli, Ph.D. cautions against it. “A coding bootcamp or certificate program will typically leave out systems classes that enhance the student’s understanding on why computers or networks are designed in specific ways, and what are the consequences of these design choices,” she explained. “The Marquette master’s program can provide better training in both the theory and the practice of science.”
February 10, 2023
In November 2022, Michael Zimmer, Ph.D., was named to the Milwaukee Business Journal’s inaugural “People to Know in Technology” list. Dr. Zimmer is director of the Center for Data, Ethics, and Society at Marquette University and an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science. Read more about his engaged thought leadership.
January 06, 2023
Like several of Marquette University’s Department of Computer Science faculty members, Walter Bialkowski, Ph.D., didn’t start off his academic career as a programmer but came from another branch of STEM. Learn about Dr. Bialkowski’s efforts to improve food security using data analytics and how you can expand your career opportunities with a master’s in computer and information science.
January 02, 2023
December 29, 2022
By definition information security, often shortened to "infosec" among industry professionals, is "the practice, policies and principles to protect digital data and other kinds of information. How do information security and privacy work together and how do each of these topics come into play in IT and cyber security? For the most part, and for this blog, these two concepts will center on data security and data protection. Let's dig in.
December 16, 2022
As you study to earn a master’s degree in computing and information technology (IT), you'll dig into network protocols and topology, as well as a variety of security technologies and policies. Fluency in all of these areas will position you for multiple careers supporting an organization’s digital infrastructure.
December 14, 2022
Dr. Tahmidul Islam Molla loves computer science for its enduringly relevant skills and applications across industries. Learn more about why he thinks a master’s in CIS is a promising degree for any professional and how Marquette offers an innovative approach to online learning.
July 06, 2022
More than half of U.S.-based companies offer educational support programs to employees, so there’s a decent chance your organization already has a system in place to help pay for your academic endeavors. Whether the practice exists already or not, it can be a bit nerve wracking to speak to your management team about helping you finance your degree. Follow our guidelines below to make sure you’re ready for the big conversation.
June 01, 2022
Every month it seems like a new tech phrase pops up all over the place signaling the arrival of a growing trend in computing to be explored by the leaders of startups and mega tech companies alike. You’ve likely heard of software as a service (SaaS), but how about infrastructure as a service?
May 17, 2022
Today, the prevalence of artificial intelligence in IT is practically boundless. From machine learning to natural language processing and deep learning, AI touches all of our lives in obvious and unobvious ways. AI is an exciting field of study to break into and because of its wide application, there are numerous career opportunities to use AI in IT professionally.
April 15, 2022
Learn how to choose the right niche, the best ways to research the job, and how to prepare yourself for full-time software analyst, mobile computing and machine learning jobs.
March 22, 2022
Learn about getting into cybersecurity and why the dire personnel shortage makes it easier than ever to gain world-class qualifications and leading-edge cybersecurity jobs.
March 21, 2022
Associate professor Michael Zimmer, Ph.D., is an esteemed data ethics and privacy scholar whose interdisciplinary work touches many fields. Learn more about Dr. Zimmer’s work and some of the critical lessons he teaches to his computing students.
March 01, 2022
The combined popularity of cloud computing and the open source software movement has seen the options for developers to build and run more scalable, resilient, modular and updatable applications rise at an inexorable rate. It has also created a sizable overlap between cloud computing and information technology (IT), especially for data storage, security, and communications in business.
February 22, 2022
As digital and IT roles become more prevalent, the lines between them also seem to become more blurred. While it may not matter as much in the day-to-day workings in the field, it’s important for prospective employees or graduate students to have a clear picture of what skills are expected of them and which concentrations match their interests. This is especially true in reviewing the features of computing vs. computer science.
February 03, 2022
On December 9, 2021, cybersecurity and tech teams around the world went on red alert for an infected piece of the hugely popular logging tool, Apache Log4j. Used in everything from cloud storage to TVs, Log4j serves as the backbone for a majority of our devices and day-to-day processes. As word spread about the incident, governments and organizations scrambled to determine which of their systems were affected, how bad it truly was, and how quickly they could resolve it.
February 01, 2022
We at Marquette University designed our online Master of Science in Computer and Information Science to create an immediate professional impact. If you’re considering the degree and want a better understanding of its outcomes, read our detailed list to see exactly what advantages an online Master’s in Computing can give you.
What is the difference between information security and cybersecurity? While the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between these two areas of information management. Let’s explore these differences and the overlap.
December 30, 2021
Cyberattacks have been on the rise in recent years and the need for cybersecurity skills has become highly sought after by small businesses and large corporations alike. Cybercrime has increased by nearly 600% since 2020 with millions of attacks happening every day. Read on to learn how to work in cybersecurity and what skills you need to get into this lucrative career.
November 30, 2021
In every industry and every part of business today, the internet and technology are staples of daily life, with countless megabytes of sensitive data moving around the world each second. Cyber criminals, knowing the potential value of this information, will go to great lengths to acquire it.
November 22, 2021
As computers and the internet have evolved, several new cyber security career paths have emerged to meet the growing demand for specialized roles. It’s rare to see an IT team handling the complexities of securing a network anymore. Instead, most companies rely on dedicated cyber security departments, each of which is split into teams.
October 14, 2021
Thinking about a career in cybersecurity but not sure if you have the right skills? Read all about the field on the Marquette Computer and Information Science Blog.
September 13, 2021
Since early 2020, incidents of cybercrime have begun climbing at an alarming rate, leading many organizations to urgently reassess the strength of their IT security. A Global Data Risk Report from Varonis found that in 2019, only 5% of businesses had properly protected folder structures, highlighting the dire need for more highly trained experts pursuing a cybersecurity career.
August 31, 2021
In a world that runs on all sorts of technology from mobile computing and smartphones to automation in factories to the cybersecurity behind your favorite online stores, it’s easy to see how developing computing skills could serve you well in advancing your career.
August 30, 2021
If you’re seeking a way to progress in your career or are considering a new career path overall, getting an information technology (IT) master’s degree can be a rewarding path. Indeed, the worldwide employment website, ranks IT master’s degrees in the top five for highest-paying master’s degrees and in the top ten for best master’s programs for career-changers.
August 16, 2021
Collecting letters of recommendation for grad school can seem like an intimidating task but the key is to be organized. Not only do you need to figure out who to ask but you also need to make sure that what they write is appropriate for the program you’re applying to and that they submit their letter on time.
If you’re interested in a career in technology, a computer and information sciences master’s could be the key to getting the job you want. But is a computer science master’s really worth it? While the answer will ultimately depend on your personal situation, we’ve put together some hard data that shows the value of an online master’s in the field of computing.
Your statement of purpose is the most unique and personal element of your graduate school application. It is your opportunity to showcase your skills, your experience and everything that has made you the person you are today.